Cake Club. Where it’s at.

I’m not great at group activities.

I have the hand-eye coordination of a newborn sloth, ruling out sports.  It doesn’t help that I loathe running, sweating or  anything involving exercise. I’m no good at LANs or gaming because I don’t grasp tilting AND panning at the same time, and regularly leave my co-players to be munched on by the hoards of undead. Ooopsies. Knitting groups are just begging for me to trip on loose wool and impale myself on a stray needle. Singstar has diagnosed me as clinically tone-deaf, so there goes bands.

But ladies and gentlemen, I believe I have found my niche.
Clandestine Cake Club.

You heard me. A secret club where I get to make and devour cake. Like a BAWSE.

First rule of Cake Club.
We don’t talk about fight club Cake Club.
At least, we don’t talk about it’s location. We set a theme, and you bring a cake. It’s pretty simple.
Anyone is welcome, so if you feel so inclined, please email and join us. We drink tea, talk crap and eat cake. It’s awesome.

Working to the theme of Autumn Fruits, I researched. Chocolate is always a natural instinct. One that I’m trying to step away from. I decided to try a slightly less traditional cake, and I found my answer in semolina.

The semolina cake on its own is not particularly sweet, making it a great option for those who don’t have an overly sweet tooth. It also means that if you do have a sweet tooth *cough* ME! *cough* then you have the option to fill/layer with things that are a little on the sweeter side.
It doesn’t rise much, so if you want a big cake, do consider doubling the mixture.

Caramelized Apple and Pear Semolina Cake

2 apples, peeled, cored and quartered
2 pears, peeled and cored and quartered
3 tbsp butter
3 tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp cardamom
1 1/2 cups fine semolina
3/4 cup caster sugar
2 tsp baking paoder
250g natural yoghurt
1 tsp vanilla extract
180g melted butter, cooled

1) Preheat the oven to 180*c. Line a cake tin with baking paper and grease.

2) Slice apples and pears thinly (use a mandolin in you have one). Melt the 3 tbsp in a heavy based pan. Add cinnamon, cardamom and brown sugar. Stir until the brown sugar starts to dissolve. Add the apple and pears and cook, stirring for 10 minutes or until caramelized. Set aside.

3) Combine semolina, sugar and baking powder in a large mixing bowl. Add yoghurt, butter and vanilla, and mix until combined.

4) Pour half the mixture into the tin. Layer half the apple and pear mixture, then carefully spread the other half of the semolina batter over the top.

5) Bake for 45-50 minutes, or until cooked through. A skewer will come out clean and dry when inserted into the middle of the cake.

6) Allow to cool for 10 minutes in the tin before cooling completely on a wire rack. Top with remaining apple and pear mixture, and serve.

2 thoughts on “Cake Club. Where it’s at.

  1. Your semolina cake was really nice – a great every day kinda cake cos its not too sweet! It tasted even better after all the flavours had sorta merged together the next day! Never baked with semolina before, is now on the to do list! I used to eat semolina at my friends place, a big steaming bowl of it with golden syrup, while we played Heroes of Magic and Might lol aaaah memories!

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